ART 460
Narrative in Design

assignment 2
Natalie Fletcher

Mindmap + Research: Retired Costume
screen shot of visual thesaurus - stream

screen shot of visual thesaurus - stream

screen shot of visual thesaurus - stream

screen shot of visual thesaurus - stream

Retired + Costume

History, Nostalgia, and Fashion

History, nostalgia, and fashion are deeply intersected. Trends would not come back around if we thought about the bad parts of the time from which they came. Many fashion trends are products of the harsh realities of their time. For instance, the 1940s women's worksuit was a product of war-time rationing and women participating in the war effort. The 1960s-70s counter-culture styles were products of a youth rebelling against war and social injustices. However, we still think fondly on those times when we see a pair of vintage bell bottoms. This piece aims to explore those deep and inextricable intersectionalities.


example of stroyboard

example of stroyboard


style frames and design board